
Internal Medicine

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Two decision instruments have high sensitivity for identifying blunt trauma patients with clinically significant thoracic injuries

Two Decision Instruments ID Major Injuries in Blunt Trauma

Decision instruments have high sensitivity for identifying clinically significant thoracic injuries
Acute care revisits occur with considerable frequency among low-risk patients undergoing ambulatory operations

Substantial Proportion of Revisits Post Ambulatory Sx Occur in ER

Across six diverse types of surgery, revisits seen in 94.9 per 1,000 operations
Some patients who have bariatric surgery may be more likely to attempt suicide following the procedure

Bariatric Surgery Can Lead to Increased Suicide Risk

Life changes that follow can make it hard for patients to cope
Overweight and mildly obese women with heart failure may live significantly longer than similarly heavy men with the progressive disease

Being Overweight Helps Women With Heart Failure, but Not Men

Women with a BMI between 25 and 29.9 kg/m² have the greatest survival advantage
Even with recent strides in breast cancer treatment

Early Detection Still Key to Breast Cancer Survival

Despite advances in treatment, finding smaller tumors linked to better results
Among patients receiving crystalloid fluid therapy in the intensive care unit

Buffered Crystalloid Solution Doesn’t Cut AKI Risk

Risk of developing acute kidney injury similar with buffered crystalloid, saline
Teen and young adult cancer survivors are at increased risk for other cancers later in life

Young Cancer Survivors May Need Lifelong Screenings

Patients successfully treated at age 15 to 39 nearly 60 percent more likely to develop another cancer
A cardiac troponin concentration of <5 ng/L identifies patients at very low risk of myocardial infarction either during admission or within the following 30 days

Troponin Cut-Off Could Help Reduce Admissions, Costs

Could rule out MI for two-thirds of patients evaluated in emergency department
Resistance to the antibiotics clarithromycin

H. Pylori Resistance to Antibiotics Increasing

Bacteria frequently resistant to clarithromycin, metronidazole, levofloxacin
Prognostic disclosure is associated with more realistic patient expectations of life expectancy in advanced cancer

Prognostic Disclosure Improves Life Expectancy Estimates

Prognostic disclosure linked to more realistic patient expectations in advanced cancer