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A new study has identified significant differences between non-small-cell lung cancer patients who smoke and those who don't. The findings were presented Sunday at the annual meeting of the European Respiratory Society

Differences Found in Smokers, Nonsmokers Who Develop NSCLC

Nonsmokers more likely than smokers to be women and to have adenocarcinoma
Two experimental drugs

Two Experimental Drugs Promising for Psoriasis Rx

Targeted therapies produce significant results, researchers say
Women who start hormone therapy toward the beginning of menopause may have a lower risk of developing coronary heart disease

Earlier HRT May Pose Lower CHD Risk for Menopausal Women

Starting treatment around onset of menopause seems to lower threat to heart
Several strategies can be implemented in order to better use electronic health records for patient care and efficiency

Strategies Provided for Improving EHR Efficiency

Tips include educating staff about preferences and processes, using own templates to reduce editing
Regardless of severity

More Evidence Psoriasis and Depression Are Linked

But research doesn't prove one causes the other
Surgical intervention for a non-lung cancer diagnosis is rare following low-dose computed tomography screening for lung cancer

CT Scans for Lung Cancer Result in Few False-Positives

Concerns that wider adoption of the screen might lead to unnecessary surgeries are unfounded
Smokers are more likely to cut back or quit if they switch to cigarettes made from tobacco containing very low levels of nicotine

‘Low-Nicotine’ Cigarettes May Help Smokers Quit, Smoke Less

Those inhaling the lowest levels of the addictive agent were more likely to try to stop
Only about one-third of women receive genetic counseling before they undergo testing for BRCA mutations

Too Few Women Getting Counseling Before BRCA Test

But outside expert questions whether counseling may be more important after a positive test result
Extra calcium may not protect aging bones after all. The findings appear online in two reviews published online Sept. 29 in The BMJ.

Calcium Supplements May Not Benefit Bone Health

Researchers find no evidence that increasing intake will prevent fractures
Patients with type 2 diabetes may benefit from a higher-protein diet

Gene Variant May Boost Effect of Higher-Protein Diet in T2DM

Researchers find benefit for those with gene variant related to vitamin D metabolism