
Internal Medicine

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Long-term proton pump inhibitor use is associated with increased risk of gastric cancer even after Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy

PPI-Gastric Cancer Link Remains After H. Pylori Eradication

Increased risk seen in H. pylori-infected subjects who received eradication therapy
Imaging studies

Ultrasonography Not Necessary for Evaluation of Hypothyroidism

Detection of incidental nodules can lead to further testing, anxiety and may detract from true complaint
For former collegiate and professional football players

Football Career Length, Position Affect White Matter Structure

Career duration, playing position may modify the effects of concussion history in ex-football players
Rates of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) mortality have decreased since 1968 but are still higher than non-SLE mortality

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Mortality Down Since 1968

However, SLE mortality is still higher than non-SLE mortality; sex, racial, regional disparities exist
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of the culprit lesion is associated with better 30-day outcomes than immediate multivessel PCI among patients with multivessel coronary artery disease and acute myocardial infarction with cardiogenic shock

Culprit-Lesion-Only PCI Tied to Improved 30-Day Outcomes

Linked to lower risk of mortality compared to multivessel PCI in patients with acute MI and multivessel CAD
Fentanyl was involved in more than half of opioid overdose deaths reported in the second half of 2016

Fentanyl or Analogs Tied to More Than Half of All Opioid Deaths

And 57 percent of fentanyl-related deaths also tested positive for other drugs, such as heroin
Aspirin resistance

PFA-100-Measured Aspirin Resistance Linked to CV Events

Strong correlation between aspirin resistance, CV events at 5-year follow-up in aspirin-treated patients
Internists play an important role in identifying which patients may be predisposed to cancer and could benefit from genetic counseling

Internists Key to Identifying Need for Genetic Counseling for Cancer

Complexity of genetic counseling for multigene testing has increased considerably
The Ohio Supreme Court has unanimously upheld the constitutionality of a law requiring HIV-infected individuals to tell their sexual partners of their status before having sex

Ohio Upholds Law Requiring HIV-Infected to Tell Sex Partners

State's high court unanimously upholds law's constitutionality; appeal to U.S. Supreme Court likely
Depressive symptoms increase during the internship year for training physicians

Depressive Symptoms Increase During Internship Year

Significantly greater increase seen among women; sex disparity partly due to work-family conflict