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Caffeine consumption appears to have a dose-dependent protective effect against mortality in chronic kidney disease patients

ASN: Caffeine Associated With Reduced Mortality in CKD

Chronic kidney disease patients in highest quartile of caffeine consumption have lowest risk for mortality
The central effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 may mediate the effects of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass on central nervous system activation in response to visual and gustatory food cues

GLP-1 May Mediate Effects of Gastric Bypass on CNS Activation

After Roux-en-Y, CNS activation reduced in response to food cues, GLP-1 levels significantly elevated
Not all prescription drug users report receiving warnings about driving impairment

Driving Impairment Warnings Often Not Given With Rx Meds

For most drug categories, those who do receive warnings perceive higher risk of impaired driving

Liposuction Can Reduce Lymphedema-Related Swelling

Case report describes beneficial effect for three patients with lymphedema affecting the leg or arm
Nutritional interventions may be beneficial for the management of chronic kidney disease in adults

Nutritional Therapy Beneficial in Chronic Kidney Disease

Management of uremia, electrolyte imbalances, water/salt retention may help increase longevity
Systemic inflammation in midlife is associated with future neurodegeneration and cognitive aging

Midlife Systemic Inflammation Tied to Late-Life Brain Volume

Smaller hippocampal, Alzheimer's signature region volumes seen 24 years after inflammation noted
Black men have increased prevalence and frequency of multiple intracranial atherosclerotic plaques

Race a Factor in Intracranial Atherosclerotic Disease

Prevalence and frequency of multiple plaques were higher for black men

American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Oct. 26-30

The 2017 Annual Meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology The annual meeting of the American College of...
The ability to purchase a product containing a class 3 topical steroid online

Prescription-Strength Steroids Sold Without Prescription

Case report highlights Funbact-A, available online, which contains prescription-strength betamethasone
Most patients presenting to the emergency department with a primary diagnosis of syncope are discharged and have a favorable prognosis

Favorable Prognosis for Syncope Patients Discharged From ER

Readmission rates below 1 percent for those hospitalized and those discharged, not hospitalized