
Internal Medicine

Home Internal Medicine
Knee pain and functional impairments in elderly individuals are associated with the development of depressive symptoms

Knee Pain, Functional Impairment Associated With Depression

In elderly Japanese, difficulty putting on, taking off socks, pain at night linked to depressive symptoms
For patients with type 1 diabetes

Coronary Artery Dz Extent Similar in Men, Women With T1DM

Extent of CAD similar for those admitted for coronary angiography; no difference in long-term mortality
A low-calorie lacto-ovo vegetarian diet and a low-calorie Mediterranean diet are similarly effective for reducing body weight

Vegetarian, Med Diets Similarly Effective for Body Weight

Similar effect for reducing body weight, body mass index, fat mass for overweight omnivores
The prevalence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis was 5.0 per 100

Prevalence of ALS Remained at 5.0/100,000 in U.S. in 2014

No change in prevalence of ALS from 2013; lowest prevalence for those aged 18 to 39 years
In women with type 2 diabetes

No Link Found for Metformin or Statins and Ovarian Cancer

Findings based on a Finnish study involving a national cohort of women with type 2 diabetes
In a position paper published online Feb. 27 in the Annals of Internal Medicine

Recommendations for Optimizing Hidden Curriculum in Medicine

Clinical learning environment should be optimized by ensuring what is taught in classroom is modeled
Toxic metals

Lead, Other Toxic Metals Found in E-Cigarette Vapors

Study finds metals, including lead, leak from e-cigarette heating coils into inhaled aerosols
Understanding nonadherence in patients and encouraging a change in attitude toward patients and their medication can improve medication adherence

Understanding Rx Nonadherence Can Improve Adherence

Changing attitudes toward patients and their medication adherence can improve adherence
A multifaceted hand hygiene program may have a short-term impact on mortality in nursing homes

Hand Hygiene Program Tied to Lower Nursing Home Mortality

Multifaceted program associated with lower mortality, antibiotic prescriptions over one year
Menopausal hormone therapy use is associated with less pronounced kyphosis compared with never-use

Menopausal Hormone Therapy Tied to Less Pronounced Kyphosis

Continuous and remote past HT users had less kyphosis in minimally-, fully-adjusted models