
Internal Medicine

Home Internal Medicine
An application using the photoplethysmography signal

ACC: Photoplethysmography Signal Can Detect Diabetes

AUC 0.722 for predicting prevalent diabetes in test dataset; negative predictive value 97 percent

American Academy of Dermatology, March 1-5

The American Academy of Dermatology The annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology was held from March 1 to 5 in Washington,...
Becoming physically active in middle age may provide comparable health benefits to long-term participation in leisure-time physical activity

Becoming Active in Middle Age Still Offers Health Benefits

Lower risk for all-cause, cardiovascular, cancer-related mortality similar to people active throughout adulthood
Ten confirmed cases of mumps

Mumps Outbreak Reported at Temple University

CDC says more than 2,000 cases of mumps in U.S. last year, 58 cases reported in January of this year
Eating red raspberries may help with glucose control in people with prediabetes

Raspberries May Aid Glucose Control With Prediabetes

With higher raspberry intake, individuals at risk for diabetes needed less insulin to manage blood glucose
Increasing consumption of high-quality

High-Quality, Plant-Based Diet Tied to Lower Risk for CVD Mortality

No association seen for quality of plant-based diet and cancer-related deaths
In men

Endogenous Testosterone Linked to Cardiovascular Disease

Genetically predicted endogenous testosterone may have role in thromboembolism, heart failure, MI
Patients with myocardial infarction at age 40 years or younger have similar long-term all-cause and cardiovascular death rates as patients aged older than 40 years

ACC: Long-Term Outcomes for MI Similar at ≤40, 40 to 50

Patients aged 40 years or younger have increased rates of substance abuse compared with older patients
A behavioral intervention results in a sustained increase in physical activity and decrease in sedentary time among patients with type 2 diabetes

Behavioral Intervention Ups Physical Activity in T2DM

Sustained increase in physical activity, decrease in sedentary time seen with behavioral intervention
Only 16 percent of seniors receive regular cognitive assessments

Few Seniors Receive Regular Brief Cognitive Assessments

Report also reveals number of seniors living with Alzheimer disease projected to increase