
Infectious Disease

Home Infectious Disease
A single dose of oral dexamethasone only offers modest benefit in the treatment of acute sore throat

Dexamethasone Found to Be of Little Benefit in Acute Sore Throat

Study seeking antibiotic alternatives found that only one-third of patients improved within 48 hours
The benefits of sharing notes with patients include improved patient engagement and empowerment

Potential Benefits, Risks of OpenNotes Discussed

Benefits include improved patient engagement, while risks include avoidance of writing candidly
Chagas disease

Chagas Disease Presents Public Health Challenge in the U.S.

Without early treatment, Chagas disease can cause heart failure
Infectious complications after prostate needle biopsy increased from 2011 to 2014 across New York State

Increase in Prostate Needle Biopsy-Linked Infection in N.Y.

Patient race, procedure year, diabetes, transrectal approach, recent hospitalization linked to infection
Azithromycin doesn't appear to increase the risk of ventricular arrhythmia

No Proof Azithromycin Ups Odds of Ventricular Arrhythmia

Patients on azithromycin no more likely to develop ventricular arrhythmia than those on amoxicillin
Zika virus may lead to lifelong vision impairment in affected infants

Long-Term Eye Health at Risk in Infants Born With Zika Infection

Study of 43 South American infants found damage to retinas and optic nerves
During and after the First World War

Anthrax Cases Linked to Use of Vintage Shaving Brushes

Renewed interest in vintage and animal-hair shaving brushes may pose new risk
Young doctors often have unprofessional or offensive content on their Facebook profiles

Doctors Need to Be Mindful of What They Post on Social Media

Investigators find many examples of unprofessional, 'potentially objectionable' behavior online
A series of short videos focusing on increasing influenza

AAFP: Educational Videos Created to Boost Adult Vaccine Uptake

New videos focus on influenza, zoster, and pneumococcal vaccine uptake among adults
Asymptomatic carriers of toxigenic Clostridium difficile in hospitals increase infection risk in other patients

Asymptomatic C. difficile Ups Risk for Other Hospital Patients

Amount of exposure to asymptomatic carriers increases risk of infection