
Infectious Disease

Home Infectious Disease
~65 Percent of Office-Based Doctors Can ID Patients in Need of Follow-Up

Wrong-Patient Order Entry Errors Reduced With Patient Photos

Display of patient photographs in electronic health records associated with decrease in WPOE errors

HealthDay Reports: Brazil

FDA Approves First Rapid COVID-19 Test for Home Use

Simple nasal swab test requires prescription; people younger than 14 cannot perform the test on themselves

Fluvoxamine Linked to Reduction in Clinical Deterioration in COVID-19

Findings seen among adult outpatients with SARS-CoV-2 with oxygen saturation of 92 percent or greater

FDA Approves First Ebola Virus Treatment

Ebola Outbreak in Democratic Republic of the Congo Declared Over

Wednesday marks 42 days, or two incubation periods, since the last survivor tested negative for the virus

B 11/20 -- Add Kids to COVID Vaccine Trials: Pediatricians

AAP Urges Inclusion of Children in SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Trials

AAP joins six other medical groups in letter requesting transparency and communication to improve confidence in a vaccine

Periodontal Pathogens Linked to Atherosclerosis in RA

Immunoreactivity to Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans serotype b, Aa leukotoxin A linked to atherosclerosis

Automated Alarm IDs Inpatients at Risk for Sudden Decline

Sixty-Day Outcomes Examined for Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients

29.2 percent died during hospitalization or within 60 days of discharge; ongoing morbidity was common

Okada Test Article

Routine COVID-19 Testing Improves Safety of Elective Surgery

Benefits of nasal swab testing seen in high-transmission areas and before major surgery

HealthDay Reports: Most Americans

Major U.S. Medical Groups Urge Trump to Work With Biden on Fighting COVID-19

In letter from three medical associations, the president is urged 'to share critical data and information as soon as possible'

HealthDay Reports: Coronavirus Has Killed Thousands at US Nursing Homes

Nebulized Interferon Beta-1a Promising for COVID-19

Adults hospitalized for COVID-19 receiving SNG001 versus placebo more likely to show clinical improvement