
Hematology and Oncology

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Sustained diet changes -- even later in life -- can extend people's lives

Large Study Shows Eating Better at Any Age Can Prolong Life

Researchers suggest it's never too late to benefit from a commitment to eating healthier
Men with early-stage prostate cancer who have surgery to remove their tumor do not live longer than those who receive no treatment at all

Study Supports Observation Only for Most Low-Risk Prostate CA

20-year study found little difference in mortality rates, more complications with surgery
The larger a man

Tall, Obese Men at Higher Risk of Aggressive Prostate Cancer

Study found taller, heavier males were more likely to develop prostate cancer, die from it
Medicaid enrollees are largely satisfied with their health care

Medicaid Enrollees Are Satisfied With Their Health Care

Enrollees rate their overall health care at 7.9, on average, on a scale of 1 to 10
The safety and efficacy of rivaroxaban treatment for nonvalvular atrial fibrillation in patients with active cancer is similar to the general population

Rivaroxaban OK for Stroke Prevention in Cancer Patients

Safety, efficacy in cancer patients similar to the general population
Utilization of health services was largely unchanged from 1996-1997 to 2011-2012

Health Service Use Unchanged From 1996-1997 to 2011-2012

Expenditures for various categories of medical services increased in almost every category assessed
For patients newly diagnosed with prostate cancer who attend a multidisciplinary clinic

Decisional Regret Doesn’t Differ by Treatment in Prostate Cancer

Only African-American race was associated with greater regret across time
Patients may be recording office visits

Patients Are Often Recording Doctor’s Visits

Patients may be using tapes to remember important details about visits; often share with caregivers
The number of American adults without health insurance has increased by about two million so far this year

American Adults Without Health Insurance Rises by Two Million

Losses in coverage concentrated among younger adults, people buying own health insurance policies
Patients with insurance that covers computed tomographic colonography are nearly 50 percent more likely to get screened for colorectal cancer

Screening Up When Insurance Covers CT Colonography

Patients whose insurance covered CT colonography were 48 percent more likely to be screened