
Hematology and Oncology

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Based on data from mouse models and humans

Gastric Acid Suppression May Promote Liver Injury

Expansion of intestinal Enterococcus faecalis in mice exacerbates ethanol-induced liver disease
'Liquid biopsy' technology holds promise for diagnosing

‘Liquid Biopsy’ Shows Promise for Hepatocellular Carcinoma

DNA methylation markers show effectiveness for diagnosis and predicting prognosis
Oral human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and high-risk oral HPV infection are more common among men than women

Prevalence of Oral HPV Infection Higher for U.S. Men

Overall prevalence 11.5 percent in men, 3.2 percent in women; high-risk HPV also more prevalent in men
For males

Mortality Up for Male Recipients of Blood From Ever-Pregnant

Receipt of red blood cell transfusion from ever-pregnant donor tied to increased risk for males
A machine learning model can predict the risk of upgrade of high-risk breast lesions to cancer

Machine Learning Model Predicts Risk of Upgrade to Breast CA

Model can predict risk of upgrade of high-risk breast lesions to cancer using traditional, text features
Online consumer ratings of specialist physicians do not predict objective measures of quality of care or peer assessment of clinical performance

Online Ratings Not Aligned With Objective Quality Measures

In addition, consumer ratings are consistent across platforms for specialist physicians
Cost-effective management of precancerous anal intraepithelial lesions in HIV-positive men who have sex with men varies by age

Model Predicts Cost-Effectiveness for Anal Lesion Treatment

Findings show variation by age of HIV-positive men who have sex with men
From 2009 to 2014 there was an increase in the population rate of breast reconstruction for mastectomy

Increase in Rate of Breast Reconstruction for Mastectomy

From 2009 to 2014, increases for all age groups, especially for women aged 65 years and older
Most female physicians have been sexually harassed by patients at some point in their careers

Most Female Physicians Have Faced Sexist Patient Comments

Sexual harassment by patients can negatively affect physician-patient relationship, quality of care
Filipinos die of thyroid cancer at higher rates than non-Filipino Asian and non-Hispanic white individuals of similar ages

U.S. Filipinos Have Higher Thyroid Cancer Mortality

Age-adjusted mortality rates higher than in non-Filipino Asians, non-Hispanic whites