
Hematology and Oncology

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Seemingly benign

Essay Adds to Discourse on Impact of Suggestive Jokes

Authors say commonplace suggestive jokes normalize, dismiss sexual misconduct experiences
Spouses of female physicians are on average more educated and work more hours outside the home than spouses of male physicians

Female Physicians’ Spouses More Likely to Work

May explain need for female physicians to make more personal and professional adjustments
Plasma N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide levels are significantly lower for black than white individuals

NTproBNP Levels Are Significantly Lower in Blacks

Higher NTproBNP levels linked to increased risk of death; this association did not differ by race
5-fluorouracil is associated with a 74 percent success rate as the initial treatment modality for high-grade intraepithelial vaginal dysplasia

5-Fluorouracil Promising for Vaginal Intraepithelial Neoplasia

High success rate seen for 5-fluorouracil as initial treatment modality; also promising for recurrences
Combinations of four proteins from stool samples can detect colorectal cancer and advanced adenomas with higher sensitivity than hemoglobin alone

Stool-Based Protein Combos Can Improve CRC Screening

Combo of four proteins can detect CRC, advanced adenomas, with higher sensitivity than hemoglobin
Body mass index is associated with detection of large breast tumors (>2 cm) among screen-detected and interval cancers

RSNA: BMI Linked to Detection of Larger Breast Tumors

BMI linked to detection of tumor larger than 2 cm among screen-detected and interval cancers
Across all 50 states and the District of Columbia

Few U.S. Adults Meet Fruit, Veg Intake Recommendations

12.2 percent of adults meet fruit recommendation and 9.3 percent meet vegetable recommendation
For patients with atrial fibrillation

NOACs Show Lower Risk of Adverse Renal Outcomes in A-Fib

Compared with warfarin, dabigatran and rivaroxaban linked to lower risk of adverse renal outcomes
Use of oxybenzone (Benzophenone-3) in sunscreen and personal care products should be minimized due to its dermatological and environmental toxicity

Doubts Raised About Use of Products Containing Oxybenzone

Increased adverse reactions may be result of closed loop involving ingesting fish, washing ingredient off
Physicians who are experiencing burnout are more than twice as likely to leave their organization within two years

High Costs Associated With Physician Burnout, Attrition

Economic loss at Stanford over two years expected to range from $15.5 million to $55.5 million