
Hematology and Oncology

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Magnetic resonance imaging is accurate in differentiating T1 or lower tumors from T2 or higher tumors among patients with bladder cancer

MRI Diagnostic for Differentiating Low-Grade Bladder Cancers

Diffusion-weighted imaging and use of higher field strengths further improve accuracy
Americans who must work longer to reach Social Security retirement age have worse measures of health in the years leading up to retirement

Pre-Retirement Morbidity Higher in Later Birth Cohorts

Worse measures of health for Americans who must work longer to reach Social Security retirement age
Hodgkin lymphoma survivors have an increased risk for advanced colorectal neoplasia

Colorectal Neoplasia Risk Up for Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivors

Prevalence higher for advanced adenomas, advanced serrated lesions, serrated polyposis syndrome
Female physicians are more burned out than their male colleagues

Female Physicians May Be Especially at Risk of Burnout

They tend to deal with psychosocial care more than male colleagues but can take steps to reduce stress
Breast cancer-specific mortality remains higher among women with diabetes who have longer diabetes duration or preexisting cardiovascular disease

Diabetes Impacts Mortality in Breast Cancer Patients

Longer duration of DM, pre-existing CVD increased all-cause and cancer-specific mortality
In 2015

Serious Suffering Affects Almost Half of Those Who Die Yearly

Vast majority who experience serious health-related suffering have no palliative care, pain relief

April 2020 Briefing – Hematology & Oncology

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Hematology & Oncology for April 2020. This roundup includes...