
Hematology and Oncology

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Stereotactic ablative radiation therapy for recurrent oligometastatic cancer is a feasible and tolerable treatment option

Stereotactic Radiation Feasible for Oligometastatic Cancer

SABR associated with low toxicity and good survival while maintaining quality of life
Approximately one-third of adult inpatients are at risk for malnutrition and poorer outcomes due to not eating their meals

Poor Food Intake Common in Hospitalized Patients

Risk for malnutrition also tied to higher in-hospital mortality
Approximately one-third of adult inpatients are at risk for malnutrition and poorer outcomes due to not eating their meals

Poor Food Intake Common in Hospitalized Patients

Risk for malnutrition also tied to higher in-hospital mortality
From 2014 to 2017

2014 to 2017 Saw Improvement in Burnout for U.S. Physicians

Compared with other working adults and after adjustment, doctors still at increased risk for burnout
Genetic variations have been identified in the ERG gene that are associated with an increased risk for acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Hispanic children

Genetic Variant Tied to Leukemia Risk in Hispanic Children

Novel susceptibility locus identified in the ERG gene for acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Single-application fecal immunochemical tests have moderate-to-high sensitivity and specificity for colorectal cancer

Single-Application FIT Moderately Sensitive, Specific for CRC

Performance characteristics vary depending on the threshold for a positive result
Despite claims to the contrary

FDA: Thermography No Substitute for Mammograms

Agency is taking action to stop false advertising about thermography
In the absence of further intervention

44.4 Million Estimated to Be Diagnosed With Cervical Cancer by 2069

From 2020 to 2069, 6.7 to 7.7 million cases could be averted by scaling up HPV vaccination by 2020
Just one-third of users of biologically based complementary medicine disclose their use to traditional health care providers

Most Patients Do Not Disclose Complementary Medicine Use

Lack of inquiry from providers, fear of disapproval, belief CM is safe among reasons for nondisclosure
National health spending is projected to increase at an annual rate of 5.5. percent from 2018 to 2027

National Health Spending Set to Increase 5.5 Percent Annually

Long-observed demographic and economic factors expected to drive growth in health spending