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Men undergoing androgen-deprivation therapy to treat prostate cancer may experience impaired cognitive function within the first six months that persists for at least a year

ADT for Prostate Cancer Tied to Impaired Cognition

Men with a particular gene mutation affected most, researchers find
Depression in older adults appears to significantly increase the risk of a stroke

Depression Tied to Higher Stroke Risk, Even After Remission

Odds remain elevated after mental health symptoms improve
A new Health Care Index shows increases in consumer costs

New Health Care Index Reports Increases in Consumer Costs

Increase in coverage by public insurance plans, but increasing number of consumers have deductibles
Increasing family physician comprehensiveness of care correlates with lower Medicare costs and hospitalizations

Comprehensiveness of PCP Care Tied to Costs, Hospitalizations

Increasing family doctor comprehensiveness of care linked to lower Medicare costs, hospitalizations
Adding more olive oil or nuts to a Mediterranean diet -- one rich in fruits

Adding Olive Oil, Nuts to Diet Boosts Aging Brain Health

Healthy eating plans help older people stay sharper mentally
Greater abdominal aortic calcification (AAC) severity

Disc Degeneration Tied to Severe Abdominal Aortic Calcification

Higher mortality rates for highest tertile of overall grade score for abdominal aortic calcification
Good communication is the key to resolving conflicts between the tests and treatment a patient may want based on online searches and those a physician believes are necessary

Guidance Offered to Help Doctors Deal With ‘Dr. Google’

Communication is key to resolving conflicts when patients have requests based on online searching
Age-related macular degeneration is a predictor of poor survival

Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Mortality Linked

Findings in older women, especially those aged 80 years and older
The traits of a financially prepared female physician include having a retirement portfolio that is on track or ahead of schedule for age and career stage

AMA: Six Traits of Financially Prepared Female Physicians

Traits include having retirement portfolio on track or ahead of schedule, having emergency fund
Post-traumatic stress disorder seems to be associated with premature aging

PTSD Associated With Premature Senescence

Evidence of reduced leukocyte telomere length, increased pro-inflammatory markers