

Home Geriatrics
Benzodiazepine prescriptions and overdose deaths increased considerably from 1996 to 2013

Benzodiazepine Prescriptions Rose From 1996 to 2013

Overdose death rate also increased but leveled out after 2010
For men with localized prostate cancer undergoing radical prostatectomy

Lower 25-OH D Tied to Adverse Pathology in Full Prostatectomy

Insufficiency/deficiency of serum 25-OH D linked to increased odds of adverse pathology
Intralesional cryosurgery is feasible for treating basal cell carcinoma of the lower extremities in elderly patients

Intralesional Cryosurgery Feasible for BCC in Elderly

Study shows tumor destruction for eight patients with 10 nodular or superficial BCCs on lower limbs
A mind-body intervention can improve short-term function and current and most severe pain for elderly patients with chronic low back pain

Mind-Body Intervention Can Improve Function, Pain in LBP

Findings show improvement in short-term function, short- and long-term current and most severe pain
For patients with acute gout

Prednisolone Deemed Safe, Effective First-Line Acute Gout Rx

Oral prednisolone has similar analgesic effectiveness to indomethacin for acute gout
Application of once-daily topical testosterone effectively restores normal testosterone levels in men

Topical Rx Restores Testosterone Levels to Normal in Men

Improvements also seen in sexual drive, energy level in hypogonadal men
For patients with acute coronary syndromes

Early Administration of β-Blockers Ups Survival in ACS

Reduction in in-hospital mortality and improvement in left ventricular function with early treatment
For adults with diabetes

Calcium Channel Blockers Lower Fasting Glucose in Diabetes

CCB, especially verapamil, use linked to lower fasting blood glucose levels in adults with diabetes
Gastrointestinal bowel obstruction is associated with worse prognosis for patients with acute ischemic stroke

ASA: Certain Factors Up Odds of Post-Stroke Bowel Obstruction

Post-acute ischemic stroke GI bowel obstruction predicts in-hospital complications, disability, death
For patients with chronic kidney disease

Masked HTN Common in CKD, Linked to Target Organ Damage

Masked HTN common among patients with chronic kidney disease; also linked to low eGFR, proteinuria