

Home Geriatrics
For long-term care facility residents

High-Dose Vitamin D Cuts Acute Respiratory Infection in Elderly

Reduction in ARI but increase in falls, without higher fracture risk, among long-term care residents
Thiazide-type diuretic therapy reduces hip and pelvic fracture risk compared with other antihypertensive medication therapy

Thiazide-Type Diuretic Treatment Tied to Lower Fracture Risk

Reduced hip and pelvic fracture risk compared to treatment with other antihypertensive medications
Dementia rates have dropped dramatically over the last decade or so

Decline in Prevalence of Dementia 2000 to 2012 in the United States

Rates have dropped over last decade, and better education might be one reason why
Having retail health clinics near hospitals does not reduce emergency department visits for minor health problems

Retail Clinics Don’t Reduce ER Visits for Minor Ailments

Many patients still rely on the emergency department for help with minor health problems
A considerable proportion of medical inpatients at moderate-to-high risk of falling have subclinical peroneal neuropathy

Increased Fall Risk With Subclinical Peroneal Neuropathy

After adjustment for confounders, those with SCPN are 4.7-fold more likely to have fallen in past year
In current knee osteoarthritis care

Barriers Identified in Current Knee Osteoarthritis Care

Most frequently cited barriers were in domains of patient and health care professional
Hospital patients with hypoglycemia may be at increased mortality risk

Mortality Risk Up for Hospital Patients With Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia, either with insulin or spontaneous, linked to increased short- and long-term mortality
Acid suppression therapy is associated with increased incidence of kidney stones and chronic kidney disease

ASN: Acid Suppression Therapy Linked to Kidney Stones, CKD

Two studies show increased risk of kidney stones with PPI, H2 blocker use; CKD with PPI use
Half of patients hospitalized with atrial fibrillation aren't receiving oral anticoagulants

AHA: Many A-Fib Patients Not Receiving Oral Anticoagulants

Only 46 percent of patients with indications received OACs at discharge from hospital
For patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation

Competing Risks Influence Warfarin, Thromboembolism Link

Warfarin-linked reduction in VTE attenuated after accounting for competing death events