

Home Geriatrics
For patients with Parkinson's disease

Regular Exercise Slows Decline Even in Advanced Parkinson’s Dz

Slower declines in health-related quality of life, mobility for increasing exercise by 30 minutes/week
Postoperative urinary retention is a common morbidity after surgery for degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis

Post-Op Urinary Retention Common After Spinal Stenosis Sx

A post-op voiding care protocol recommended in elderly, after long surgeries
In a position paper published online March 28 in the Annals of Internal Medicine

ACP Issues Challenge to Cut Task Burden and Put Patients First

American College of Physicians details policy recommendations to reduce administrative burden
The volume of insurance advertisements during the first Affordable Care Act enrollment period correlated with change in uninsurance rates

TV Ads for ACA Enrollment Linked to Decline in Uninsured Rates

Counties exposed to higher volumes of local insurance ads had larger drop in uninsurance
Surgery for cutaneous tumors under local anesthesia is as well tolerated in elderly patients 90 years and older as it is in patients aged 75 to 80 years old

Advanced Age Need Not Deter Surgery for Cutaneous Tumors

No difference in complications between those aged 90 years and older and those 75 to 80 years
Lowering salt intake could lead to fewer episodes of nocturia

Nocturia May Be Reduced by Cutting Daily Intake of Salt

An easy way for patients to reduce nighttime urination and subsequent impact on sleep
The incidence of oxybutynin prescription was 27.3 percent among elderly individuals receiving antimuscarinic prescriptions from 2006 to 2012

Oxybutynin Frequently Used for Overactive Bladder in U.S. Elderly

Despite known adverse effects, including cognitive decline, oxybutynin most frequently prescribed
From 1992 to 2014 there was a decrease in the rate of malpractice claims paid on behalf of physicians in the United States

Paid Malpractice Claims Cut in Half From 1992 to 2014 in U.S.

But, increase in mean compensation amounts and percentage of paid claims exceeding $1 million
Automated office blood pressure monitoring during 30 minutes is associated with a reduction in mean diastolic blood pressure

Office BP Monitoring During 30 Minutes Cuts Overtreatment

OBP30 is associated with lower blood pressure readings than office BP in all patient groups
Cardiac rehabilitation and the importance of physical function should be emphasized among older adults with cardiovascular disease

Physical Function Should Be Goal of Care for Elderly CVD Patients

Older adults respond to exercise interventions, which should aim to increase functional capacity