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Central obesity is associated with increased risk of mortality even in normal-weight individuals

Central Obesity Ups Mortality Across BMI Range

Increased mortality with central obesity for normal-weight, overweight, obese individuals
For patients with low back pain

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction May Ease Back Pain

Mindfulness-based stress reduction tied to short-term benefit for pain intensity, physical functioning
Consuming excess choline raises levels of the bacteria-produced compound trimethylamine N-oxide and increases the tendency of platelets to clump together and form clots

Gut Bacteria May Convert Choline Into Clot-Enhancing Compound

Significant increase in plasma TMAO levels at one and two months; increase attenuated by aspirin
Physical exercise improves cognitive function in people over 50 years of age

Exercise Improves Cognitive Function in Those Over 50

Aerobic exercise, resistance training, and tai chi are all associated with benefits
Use of the History

Use of HEART Score Has Limited Impact for Chest Pain in ER

Using score during assessment of patients with chest pain in emergency department deemed safe
Peak postoperative high-sensitivity troponin T is associated with increased risk of 30-day mortality among patients undergoing noncardiac surgery

Post-Op hsTnT Linked to 30-Day Mortality After Noncardiac Sx

Increased risk of 30-day mortality for absolute high-sensitivity troponin T change of 5ng/L or higher
Low sodium intake is not associated with a reduction in blood pressure in the long term

Evidence Suggests Sodium Guidelines Are Misguided

Dietary sodium intake inversely associated with systolic, diastolic blood pressure in long term
A growing number of U.S. emergency departments are giving patients medication through the nose instead of via injections or intravenously

ERs Administering More Medications Intranasally

Many benefits to nasal administration, including reduction in spread of infection
Opioid addicts who get their medical care in settings such as primary care offices and hospitals

Mortality Up for Opioid Addicts Not Treated in Addiction Clinics

Those treated in primary care, hospitals twice as likely to die as those treated in addiction centers
Clinician test-ordering behavior is not affected by displaying Medicare allowable fees in the electronic health record at the time of order entry

Price Transparency Intervention Doesn’t Cut Lab Test Orders

No significant changes in overall test-ordering behavior or associated fees in adjusted analyses