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Prescription databases can help combat drug abuse when doctors are required by law to check them before writing opioid prescriptions

Doctors Urged to Check Patient Drug History Before Opioid Rx

Opioid abuse down when physicians are legally obligated to check patient's drug history
Regular chocolate consumption may lead to a lower risk of atrial fibrillation

Regular Chocolate Consumption May Lower Risk of A-Fib

13-year study finds lower odds for atrial fibrillation in people eating moderate amounts
There may be a functional interaction between dietary carbohydrates

Functional Interaction Seen for Dietary Carbohydrates With AMD

Consumption of high-glycemia diet resulted in many features of age-related macular degeneration
For patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention with drug-eluting stents

Risk Up for Triple Tx Versus DAPT in DES Implantation With A-Fib

Findings for patients with atrial fibrillation who underwent PCI with drug-eluting stents
Polyneuropathy is associated with increased likelihood of receiving long-term opioids

Patients With Polyneuropathy More Often Receive Opioids

No functional status markers improve with long-term opioid use, but adverse outcomes more common
Most black people in the United States with sleep apnea or insomnia don't get their sleep disorder diagnosed

ATS: Sleep Apnea, Insomnia in Blacks Often Go Undiagnosed

High prevalence of undiagnosed sleep disorders seen in study population
The benefit of pravastatin for primary prevention in older adults with moderate hyperlipidemia and hypertension is questionable

Statin Therapy Found to Be of Little Benefit in Older Adults

No primary cardiovascular prevention benefit seen for statins in those 65 and older
Patients with life-limiting illness often receive medications of questionable benefit given their remaining life span

Patients Often Prescribed Futile Drugs in Last Months of Life

Researchers find many still prescribed long-term disease-preventing medications
The first prescription of an antibiotic that the average U.S. adult with pneumonia receives is now ineffective in about a quarter of cases

ATS: First Abx Rx Doesn’t Work for ~25% of Pneumonia Cases

One in four adult patients do not respond to initial prescription of antibiotic treatment
For participants in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study

No Link to Cognition in Diabetes Prevention Program Study

Intensive lifestyle intervention, metformin not tied to cognition