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The United States has larger income-related differences in perceptions of health and health care than other middle- and high-income countries

U.S. Leads in Income-Based Health Care Inequalities

More public tolerance for health care inequalities seen in United States than other countries
High-deductible health plans are becoming more common among U.S. adults with employer-sponsored health insurance coverage

CDC: High-Deductible Health Plan Use Rising Among Employers

These employees more likely to face financial barriers to care, researchers find
Patient portals can successfully offer access to physicians without office visits

Health System Sees Success With E-Visits Via Patient Portal

Portal offers access to physicians without an office visit for certain common symptoms
Open-label placebos are associated with a positive effect compared with no treatment in a variety of clinical conditions

Positive Clinical Effects Seen for Placebos Without Deception

Findings based on five studies involving patients with IBS, depression, allergic rhinitis, back pain, ADHD
Cirrhosis may raise an older person's odds for a stroke

Stroke Risk Elevated in Elderly Patients With Cirrhosis

Magnitude of association higher for intracerebral, subarachnoid hemorrhage versus ischemic stroke
A bumper crop of Amanita phalloides ("death cap") mushrooms in northern California is likely to blame for the poisonings of 14 people in December

CDC: 14 in California Poisoned by Amanita phalloides Mushrooms

Foraging by novices tied to three people needing liver transplants and permanent brain damage in a child
Children with type 1 diabetes often have comorbid celiac disease

Comorbid Celiac Disease Common Among Youth With T1DM

Prevalence of celiac disease varied from 1.9 to 7.7 percent among children in U.S. and Australia
For patients taking oral anticoagulants

Model Predicts Acute GI Bleeding in Anticoagulated Patients

New scoring model includes five factors predictive of GI bleeding in patients taking oral anticoagulants
For effective hand hygiene

Cool Water Works As Well As Hot for Ridding Hands of Germs

Time spent scrubbing hands with soap more important that water temperature

May 2017 Briefing – Gastroenterology

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Gastroenterology for May 2017. This roundup includes the latest...