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The EtpA adhesion molecule

Molecular Basis for Varied Presentations of ETEC Explored

EtpA adhesin molecule interacts specifically with glycans expressed in individuals with blood group A
For patients undergoing resection of colorectal liver metastases

V600E BRAF Mutation Tied to Worse Survival in CRC Liver Mets

Worse overall, disease-free survival with V600E BRAF versus KRAS mutation in colorectal liver metastases
Stigmatizing language used in medical records to describe patients can influence medical students and residents in terms of their attitudes towards the patient and their clinical decision-making

Language Used in Medical Record Can Affect Patient Care

Stigmatizing language may transmit bias, influence trainees' attitudes
Many infants who are exposed to hepatitis C virus (HCV) during pregnancy are not screened for HCV infection

Hepatitis C-Exposed Infants Not Adequately Screened

Low screening rate seen at same time as increase in hepatitis C virus prevalence among pregnant women
Best practices have been developed for using electronic health records to enhance patient-centered care

Best Practices Developed for Use of EHR to Enhance Patient Care

Patients regard EHR as positive presence; can be used to engage patients by jointly viewing data
Participants with an advanced adenoma at diagnostic colonoscopy have increased risk of developing colorectal cancer relative to those with no adenoma

Higher CRC Risk With Advanced Adenoma Found on Colonoscopy

Risk not increased for non-advanced adenoma found on colonoscopy following flex sigmoidoscopy
A nonprofit manufacturer could help keep generic drug prices down and maintain their supply

Nonprofit Manufacturer Could Keep Generic Drug Costs Down

Nonprofit manufacturer will pursue cost-plus strategy to cover costs, maintain financial viability
A novel purchasing strategy could dramatically reduce the costs of medications for hepatitis C virus

Novel Purchasing Strategy Could Cut Medicaid Costs for HCV Meds

Strategy involves making deal with manufacturer for a lump-sum payment in return for 100 percent rebate
Sofosbuvir-based treatment appears to guarantee renal safety for patients with chronic hepatitis C virus over one year of follow-up

Sofosbuvir Improves Renal Safety in Patients With Chronic Hep C

Patients with mild, moderate renal impairment showed improvement in renal biomarkers over one year
A restrictive fluid regimen is not associated with increased disability-free survival for patients at increased risk of complications during major abdominal surgery

Restricting Fluids Post Abdominal Surgery Doesn’t Up Survival

Fluid restriction has no impact on disability-free survival; increases risk of acute kidney injury