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The error rate in speech recognition-assisted documentation is 7.4 percent

Error Rate 7.4 Percent in Speech Recognition-Assisted Notes

Overall, 15.8 percent of errors at level of speech recognition-assisted notes involve clinical info
Intravenous acetaminophen does not decrease opioid utilization to a clinically significant threshold among colectomy patients

IV Acetaminophen Minimally Helpful for Colectomy Pain

IV acetaminophen has similar effectiveness to oral doses and doesn't meaningfully cut opioid use
Cabozantinib results in significantly longer overall and progression-free survival than placebo among patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma

Cabozantinib Improves Survival in Advanced Hepatocellular Cancer

Significantly longer overall and progression-free survival with cabozantinib than placebo
Yale Medicine is effectively targeting electronic health record use and functionality as a way to improve physician job satisfaction and reduce burnout

IT Solutions for Easier EHRs Save Physicians Time, Burnout

These solutions improve EHR user interface with easier login identification, voice recognition
Red meat allergy caused by a bite from the lone star tick appears to be on the rise in the United States

Tick-Caused Meat Allergy on the Rise in the United States

Lone star tick is most common in the South, but may be spreading to new areas
Patients do not appear to mind if doctors have tattoos or piercings

Patients Comfortable With Doctors Having Tattoos, Piercings

Survey finds body art does not impact patients' perceptions of competence, professionalism
The World Health Organization Independent High-Level Commission has proposed six recommendations to address the growing epidemic of non-communicable diseases

WHO Calls for Renewed Effort to Combat Chronic Disease

Commission makes six recommendations to meet 2030 goals for non-communicable diseases
Cumulative reductions in federal payments to hospitals from 2010 to 2028 are estimated to reach $218.2 billion

Hospitals Face $218B in Federal Payment Cuts From 2010 to 2028

11 pieces of legislation plus regulatory changes result in payment reductions beyond those under ACA
Understanding patients' complaints about practice can be instructive for physicians

Patient Complaints Mainly About Rudeness, Rushing, Reproach

Complaints of rudeness vary from being verbally attacked by receptionist to feeling insulted by docs
The American Medical Association states that caution should be exercised with use of wire-bristle grill brushes due to the potential health and safety risks associated with bristles that may break off and adhere to the grill or cooked food.

AMA Urges Caution With Use of Wire-Bristle BBQ Grill Brushes

Precautions should be taken, including wiping down grill after use and inspecting it for wire bristles