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Younger patients with colorectal cancer are more likely to present with abdominal pain and via an emergency

Younger CRC Patients More Likely to Present With Abdominal Pain

Young colorectal cancer patients more often present via emergency; have lowest percentage early-stage cancer
Spending associated with essential medicines grew substantially from 2011 to 2015 for Medicare Part D beneficiaries

Medicare Spending on Essential Medicines Up 116 Percent From 2011 to 2015

22 percent of increased total spending due to higher per-unit cost of existing drugs
For women with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy

Common Therapy for Obstetric Cholestasis Found Ineffective

Treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid versus placebo yielded no significant difference in outcome
Some cancer trends differ for U.S. patients aged 85 years and older

Some Cancer Trends Differ for Oldest Old in the United States

Trends similar to 65- to 84-year age group, but risk elevated for some cancers, diagnosis at later stages
Patient outcomes may not be better at top-ranked hospitals for common advanced laparoscopic abdominal operations

Ranking for Abdominal Surgeries Not Linked to Patient Outcomes

Serious morbidity, in-hospital mortality similar for laparoscopic sx at top-ranked, nonranked hospitals
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends against screening for pancreatic adenocarcinoma as the potential benefits do not outweigh the potential harms. These recommendations form the basis of a final recommendation statement published in the Aug. 6 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

USPSTF Reaffirms Recs Against Screening for Pancreatic Cancer

Potential benefits of screening do not outweigh potential harms in asymptomatic adults
Brand-brand competition in the U.S. pharmaceutical market has not lowered drug list prices

Brand-Brand Competition Has Not Cut Prices in Pharma Market

Review shows evidence that brand-brand competition was mediated by quality of competing drugs

July 2019 Briefing – Gastroenterology

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Gastroenterology for July 2019. This roundup includes the latest...
Patients can achieve better outcomes by choosing a hospital and a surgeon with adequate

Many Hospitals Lack Sufficient Surgery Volumes

Leapfrog report says lack of hospital, surgeon volume poses safety risk to patients
Americans could import less expensive prescription drugs from Canada under a plan being developed by the Trump administration.

Trump Admin Announces Plan to Allow Drug Imports From Canada

Plan will start by exploring options for importing certain prescription drugs to lower costs for Americans