
Family Practice

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Adult survivors of childhood cancer are at increased risk for subclinical cardiovascular disease

Considerable Subclinical Cardiac Disease in Childhood CA Survivors

Exposure to anthracycline and heart radiation tied to higher odds
For patients with diabetes

Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Varies Across Minority Groups

African-American patients screened 50 percent less often than Hispanic patients in last year
Premature menopause may increase a woman's later risk of depression

Premature Menopause Tied to Risk of Depression Later in Life

Research suggests longer estrogen exposure might have protective effect
For acne-prone males

Dark Chocolate Consumption Daily Can Exacerbate Acne

Findings in males with acne-prone skin; statistically significant changes seen as early as two weeks
Early-life exercise-induced alterations in gut microbiota may promote brain function and emotional well-being

Early-Life Exercise May Promote Lifelong Brain Function

Exercise-induced alterations in microbiota produce extensive neural and metabolic benefits
Use of oral fluconazole in pregnancy is associated with increased risk of spontaneous abortion

Oral Fluconazole Exposure Linked to Spontaneous Abortion Risk

Exposure in pregnancy linked to significantly increased risk of spontaneous abortion
Infertility treatment seems not to be associated with children's development through age 3 years

Infertility Treatment Not Linked to Children’s Development

No link for any treatment type with failing any developmental domain after stratifying by plurality
Higher monthly doses of vitamin D have no benefit on lower extremity function and correlate with increased risk of falls compared with lower doses in elderly adults

High Dose of Vitamin D Tied to Higher Risk of Falls in Elderly

No benefit on lower extremity function and increased risk of falls for higher monthly doses
A change from minimally restricted to unrestricted visitation hours is associated with improved satisfaction among patients' family members

Unrestricted Visiting Hours Up Satisfaction of Patients’ Families

Improved family satisfaction, nurses' perception of family satisfaction with unrestricted policy
Arguments urging doctors to abandon routine physical exams are based on insufficient evidence

Researchers Argue in Defense of the Annual Check-Up

Arguments against the time-honored practice are flawed, authors of new research paper say