
Family Practice

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In a case report published online Aug. 21 in the Journal of Neurological Sciences

First Case of Zika-Associated Sensory Polyneuropathy Reported

Honduran man with Zika infection presented with sensory nerve damage
Ebola virus stays present in semen longer than previously thought

Ebola Virus Lingers in Semen Longer Than Expected

And virus is more likely to be found in male survivors older than 40, researchers report
After an acute myocardial infarction

Sexual Health Often Suffers in Younger Patients Post-MI

Many younger adults experience sexual difficulties after acute myocardial infarction
For patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

Off-Hours Presentation Not Detrimental in STEMI

Time of PCI did not affect STEMI efficacy or safety outcomes in large international trial
More than one-quarter of Canadian and Alaskan Inuit have the TBC1D4 mutation resulting in elevated postprandial glucose

TBC1D4 Mutation Common in North American Inuit

TBC1D4 carriers with prediabetes, type 2 diabetes have increased risk of remaining undiagnosed
For patients with peripheral arterial disease

Ischemic Events Down With Prolonged DAPT in PAD

Lower risk of ischemic events seen for patients with peripheral arterial disease undergoing PCI
Informal caregiver well-being is associated with patient-perceived quality of care

Caregiver Well-Being Linked to Quality of Cancer Patient Care

Patients whose caregivers had depressive symptoms more likely to report fair or poor quality of care
Primary care physicians play an important role in identifying thyroid disease in children and adolescents

Review: PCPs Have Critical Role in ID of Pediatric Thyroid Disease

Primary care physician is often provider responsible for initiating evaluation of thyroid disorder
For patients with type 2 diabetes

Maintaining Body Weight Linked to Reduced Costs in T2DM

Increase in costs for patients who gain ≥5 percent of baseline weight; increase varies with mean HbA1C
Older myocardial infarction survivors have long-term elevated risks of mortality and cardiovascular events

Older MI Survivors Have High Event Risk Over Long Term

Even after one year, risk of mortality, cardiovascular events remains high