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A bumper crop of Amanita phalloides ("death cap") mushrooms in northern California is likely to blame for the poisonings of 14 people in December

CDC: 14 in California Poisoned by Amanita phalloides Mushrooms

Foraging by novices tied to three people needing liver transplants and permanent brain damage in a child
An air mattress can present a hazardous environment for infants

Air Mattresses Present a Growing Safety Risk to Infants

Mattresses can mold to infant's face and obstruct the airway by forming an occlusive seal
Various methods are available for reducing the risk of HIV transmission in HIV-discordant couples who would like to attempt conception

Conception Options Available for HIV-Discordant Couples

Risk-reducing strategies are available for using sperm from HIV-infected male attempting conception
For patients with allergic rhinitis

Grass Pollen SLIT Slows Course of Allergic Rhinitis, Asthma

Tx associated with slower AR progression, less frequent asthma onset, slower asthma progression

American College of Sports Medicine, May 30 – June 3

The American College of Sports Medicine's 64th Annual Meeting and 8th World Congress on Exercise is Medicine The annual meeting of the American...
As food manufacturers gradually cut amounts of salt in their products

Americans Are Getting Less Sodium From Packaged Food

However, the researchers found they still eat more salt than is healthy
Compression tights are not effective in reducing fatigue in runners

ACSM: Compression Tights Don’t Improve Performance for Runners

While they kept muscles from vibrating, fatigue still set in, researchers found
Americans are routinely overcharged for emergency department care

U.S. Emergency Departments Commonly Overcharging Patients

Minorities and uninsured are the most affected, researchers say
Adult bike crashes cost an estimated $24.4 billion a year in the United States

Costs Associated With U.S. Adult Bicycle Crashes Steadily Rising

Researchers find bike crashes cost $24.4 billion a year
Children with type 1 diabetes often have comorbid celiac disease

Comorbid Celiac Disease Common Among Youth With T1DM

Prevalence of celiac disease varied from 1.9 to 7.7 percent among children in U.S. and Australia