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Long-term daily aspirin use is linked to a higher-than-expected risk of disabling or fatal bleeding in patients aged 75 and over

Antiplatelet Bleeding Risk Higher Than Expected for Older Patients

Research suggests proton-pump inhibitors should be co-prescribed in patients age 75+ years
For patients with type 2 diabetes and high cardiovascular risk

ADA: Canagliflozin Tied to Lower Risk of Cardiovascular Events

Lower risk versus placebo for patients with type 2 diabetes and high cardiovascular risk
Cases of Legionnaires' disease in New York City and Las Vegas are being investigated by health officials.

Cases of Legionnaires’ Disease Reported in NYC, Las Vegas

Legionella bacteria detected in water systems
Nasal glucagon can effectively and efficiently manage moderate or severe hypoglycemic episodes in real-world settings in adult patients with type 1 diabetes

ADA: Nasal Glucagon Feasible for Hypoglycemic Episodes

New product much easier to use than rescue injections, researcher says
Severe hyperammonemia

Case Report: Hyperammonemia to Be Considered in Cirrhosis Setting

Authors describe case of 58-year-old man who received blood obtained 17, 20 days earlier
Regularly drinking coffee or herbal tea may help prevent chronic liver disease

Coffee, Herbal Tea Consumption May Protect Against Liver Disease

Frequent coffee and herbal tea consumption inversely associated with liver stiffness
States that let doctors prescribe drugs to treat chlamydia or gonorrhea in both partners when only one makes an office visit have lower rates of the sexually transmitted infections

Expedited Partner Therapy Helps Reduce STI Incidence

Lower chlamydia, gonorrhea rates seen when one person can obtain treatment for both partners
Extended calorie restriction is associated with a reduction in food cravings

Food Cravings Down With Extended Calorie Restriction

In obese patients, cravings for sweet, high-fat, starchy, and fast food reduced
For patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction in sinus rhythm

Beta-Blockers Cut Mortality for Patients in Sinus Rhythm

Drop in mortality for patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction regardless of heart rate
The combination of extra virgin olive oil and ibuprofen at a therapeutic dose is superior to the two compounds used separately

Olive Oil, Ibuprofen May Have Synergistic Effects

Synergistic analgesic, anti-pyretic, anti-inflammatory effects seen in animal model