
Family Practice

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There is a high risk of postoperative mortality among patients undergoing lower-limb amputation

High Risk of Death After Major Diabetes-Related Amputations

Risk of postoperative death varies by demographic subgroup
Long-acting reversible contraceptives are suitable for use by adolescents

Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives Good for Teens

Higher efficacy, continuation rates, and satisfaction rates for LARC versus short-acting contraceptives
Use of anticholinergic drugs may be tied to a future diagnosis of dementia

Certain Anticholinergic Drugs Appear to Raise Dementia Risk

Dementia link seen with antidepressant, urological, and anti-Parkinson's drugs
The combination of a rural upbringing and higher education levels may be protective against dementia and Alzheimer's disease for African-Americans

Rural Childhood, Higher Education Cuts Later Life Dementia Risk

Findings show protection against dementia, Alzheimer's for African-Americans
A new clinic satisfaction tool improves communication and provides real-time feedback

New Clinic Satisfaction Tool Provides Real-Time Feedback

Also improves communication and satisfaction between physicians and patients
Children with multiple exposures to anesthesia before age 3 are more likely to develop adverse outcomes related to learning and attention

Multiple Anesthesia Exposures Affect Learning and Attention

Adverse outcomes more likely to develop in children with multiple exposures before age 3
Postpartum care should become an ongoing process rather than a single visit in order to optimize the health of women and infants

ACOG Committee Recommends Better, Ongoing Postpartum Care

Provider contact within three weeks, comprehensive follow-up by 12 weeks rather than single visit
Evidence relating to the pros and cons of electronic cigarettes as helpful smoking cessation tools is presented and discussed in a head to head article published online April 25 in The BMJ.

Pros and Cons for E-Cigarettes As Aid to Smoking Cessation

Researchers present evidence supporting their use, and discuss the limits and hazards of use
World Trade Center-exposed firefighters have increased prevalence of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) and light-chain MGUS

Multiple Myeloma Risk May Be Up for WTC-Exposed Firefighters

And, cancer burden projected to be greater than expected for world trade center-exposed firefighters
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and local agencies are holding the 15th National Prescription Drug Take Back Day across the country this Saturday

Saturday Is National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

Unused medications can be dropped off at local collection sites between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.