
Emergency Medicine

Home Emergency Medicine
Exposure to neuraminidase inhibitors during pregnancy is not associated with adverse neonatal outcomes or congenital malformations

Exposure to Neuraminidase Inhibitors in Utero Not Harmful

No increased risks of adverse neonatal outcomes or congenital malformations with in utero exposure

American Stroke Association, Feb. 22-24

The American Heart Association's International Stroke Conference The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association's annual International Stroke Conference was held from Feb. 22 to...
For physicians across specialties

Physician Burnout Eroding Sense of Calling

Physicians who are completely burned out have lower odds of six validated aspects of sense of calling
While there's little evidence that herbal medications are safe or effective to treat cardiovascular conditions

Doctors Need to Discuss Herbal Medication Use With CVD Patients

While popular among patients, they haven't been proven safe or effective in clinical trials
Steps should be taken to protect medical practices

Strategies Suggested to Protect Practices From Hackers

Small practices are a target, especially as larger organizations improve their security
There is doubt as to whether diazepam provides benefit in the treatment of low back pain in the emergency department environment

Diazepam Not Beneficial for Acute Low Back Pain in ER

No better than placebo when added to naproxen, research suggests
Pediatricians should be comfortable with treating and screening for sexual assault

AAP Offers Guidance for Treating Victims of Sexual Assault

Physicians need to be comfortable screening for it, offering additional help if needed
Spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria can occur through sinks and other areas where water can pool inside hospitals

Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria Found in Hospital Sinks

Drug-resistant bacteria can colonize in drains, spread to sinks, and eventually reach patients
For patients with suspected pulmonary embolism in the emergency department

Adherence to Clinical Decision Support Ups Odds of Acute PE ID

Adherence to clinical decision support linked to odds of acute pulmonary embolism finding in ER
A substantial proportion of patients with opioid use disorder fill prescriptions for non-buprenorphine opioids during and following treatment with buprenorphine

Many Patients Get Opioid Rx While Receiving Buprenorphine

4 of 10 given buprenorphine to ease withdrawal abuse other opioids, researchers find