
Emergency Medicine

Home Emergency Medicine
For males

Mortality Up for Male Recipients of Blood From Ever-Pregnant

Receipt of red blood cell transfusion from ever-pregnant donor tied to increased risk for males
Pharmacist feedback and education is effective at reducing prescription writing errors by junior doctors in an inpatient setting

Pharmacist Education May Cut Junior Doctor Prescription Errors

Regular and targeted feedback by pharmacists reduces Rx errors; effect of e-learning tools unclear
Night shift workers have increased odds of obesity/overweight

Night Shift Tied to Increased Odds of Abdominal Obesity

Increased risk for permanent night workers compared with rotating night workers
Here is what the editors at Physician's Briefing chose as the most important COVID-19 developments for you and your practice for the week of May 4 to 8

Physician’s Briefing Weekly Coronavirus Roundup

Here is what the editors at Physician's Briefing chose as the most important COVID-19 developments for you and your practice for the week of...
Female physicians are more burned out than their male colleagues

Female Physicians May Be Especially at Risk of Burnout

They tend to deal with psychosocial care more than male colleagues but can take steps to reduce stress
In a simulation of children with peanut allergy

Epinephrine Personal Autoinjectors Cost-Effective at $24

Based on 10-fold fatality risk difference, value-based price for personal epinephrine $24
Ride-sharing services may reduce the rate of motor vehicle crashes

Ride-Sharing Services Could Cut Alcohol-Related Crashes

However, full effect on motor vehicle crash rate may be subject to local context
A new analysis shows inadequate levels of testing for COVID-19 in 60 percent of states

With Many States Reopening, COVID-19 Testing Levels Still Too Low

Analysis shows that right now just 40 percent of states can meet the lower 2 percent threshold for testing
Internal medicine patients are frequently prescribed potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs)

Screening Tools Identify Potentially Inappropriate Meds

However, substantial proportion of PIMS identified in internal medicine ward are not clinically relevant
In 2015

Drug Overdose Mortality Rates Highest in United States

Highest average annual percentage of change from 2001 to 2015 seen for Estonia, then U.S.