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Antibody testing may detect severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection

Antibody Tests ID COVID-19 Two to Three Weeks After Symptoms

After onset of symptoms, sensitivity is low in first week, increases in second week, peaks in third week
Altered mental status is the second most common neurological presentation for patients with COVID-19

Altered Mental Status Not Uncommon in Severe COVID-19

Altered mental status includes encephalopathy or encephalitis and primary psychiatric diagnosis
COVID-19 generally causes mild disease in children

Factors Linked to Severe COVID-19 in Children Identified

8 percent of children need ICU admission; risk up with age <1 month, male sex, pre-existing conditions
Gilead Sciences

COVID-19 Drug Remdesivir Could Cost Up to $3,120 Per Patient

In the U.S., government programs, additional Gilead assistance should mean all patients have access to the drug
Bagged salad mixes sold at Walmart and other stores are linked with an outbreak of Cyclospora infections in eight Midwestern states

Intestinal Illness Spurs Recall of Bagged Salads Sold at Walmart, Aldi

More than 200 people have contracted cyclosporiasis; 23 people have been hospitalized
More than one-third of U.S. adults admit to unsafe cleaning practices in the hopes of disinfecting against COVID-19

Many Practice Unsafe Household Cleaning Against COVID-19

Warnings needed for prep of disinfectant solutions, use of bleach on food, applying cleaning products to skin
Actual COVID-19 infection rates in many areas of the United States are more than 10 times higher than reported rates

CDC: U.S. COVID-19 Rates Much Higher Than Reported

As of April 1, NYC had reported 53,800 cases, but actual number of infections was 12 times higher
The list of conditions that put people at risk for severe COVID-19 illness has been expanded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

CDC Updates List of Who Is at Highest Risk for COVID-19

Agency now says risk among adults increases steadily with age, and is not limited to those over 65
There has been a dramatic decrease in pediatric asthma-related emergency department use during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to the four previous years

ED Visits for Childhood Asthma Down During Pandemic

Similar pattern observed for all levels of asthma triage acuity
Patients with COVID-19 and severe disease have associations at locus 3p21.31 and 9q34.2

Genomewide Level Associations Identified for Severe COVID-19

Association signal spanning several genes ID'd at 3p21.31; signal at 9q34.2 coincides with ABO locus