
Diabetes and Endocrinology

Home Diabetes and Endocrinology
Mini-dose glucagon administered using a stable

G-Pen May Aid Hypoglycemia With Type 1 Diabetes

The mini-dose glucagon may provide more precise treatment than oral carb
For adults with diabetes

Calcium Channel Blockers Lower Fasting Glucose in Diabetes

CCB, especially verapamil, use linked to lower fasting blood glucose levels in adults with diabetes
Type 2 diabetes-related genetic variants predict all-cause mortality

T2DM-Related Genetic Variants Predict All-Cause Mortality

Higher genetic risk linked to increased mortality risk, especially among obese non-Hispanic whites
Participants who were taught intensive therapy for type 1 diabetes during the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial experienced clinically beneficial effects on cardiovascular outcomes at 30 years of follow-up

Intensive Diabetes Therapy Cuts CVD Incidence by 30 Percent

At 30 years, benefits persist for patients with T1DM in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial
Testosterone treatment may offer moderate benefit in improving sexual function in older men

Testosterone Therapy Offers Modest Benefits for Older Men

Larger studies and long-term follow-up needed to determine possible risks of treatment
Black women have worse in vitro fertilization outcomes than white women

Black Women Have Worse IVF Outcomes Versus White Women

However, limitations exist in studies analyzed, especially for Asian, Hispanic women
Higher levels of ferritin and transferrin correlate with increased risk of type 2 diabetes among men and women

Ferritin, Transferrin Positively Linked to Type 2 Diabetes

Higher levels tied to higher risk of T2D in men and women; TSAT linked to risk in women
Women with hyperthyroidism have increased breast cancer risk

Thyroid Function Level Linked to Breast Cancer Risk

Increased risk of breast cancer in women with hyperthyroidism; lower risk for hypothyroidism
Most medical schools need to post

Many Med Schools Appear Unwelcoming Regarding Disability

Only one-third of medical schools have technical standards supporting accommodating disabilities
For patients with insulin resistance with recent stroke or transient ischemic attack

ASA: Pioglitazone After Stroke, TIA Helpful in Insulin Resistance

Linked to reduction in risk of stroke, myocardial infarction in patients with insulin resistance