
Diabetes and Endocrinology

Home Diabetes and Endocrinology
For pregnant women with type 1 diabetes

Better Overnight Glucose Levels With Closed-Loop Tx in T1DM

Findings for pregnant patients with type 1 diabetes
For patients with diabetes

Oily Fish Consumption May Ward Off Diabetic Retinopathy

Two servings a week tied to 48 percent reduced risk of incident sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy
Single-procedure duodenal mucosal resurfacing is effective for reducing glycated hemoglobin in patients with type 2 diabetes

Duodenal Mucosal Resurfacing Cuts HbA1c in T2DM

More potent glycemic effect seen among patients undergoing long duodenal segment ablation
Telehealth technologies can allow delivery of high-quality care at a lower cost

Legal Issues Impact Delivery of Telehealth

No uniform legal approach to telehealth; concerns about reimbursement limit implementation
Diabetes is associated with increased mortality from cardiovascular disease

Diabetes Linked to Increased CVD, Cancer, Other Mortality

Increases in cardiovascular death, cancer death, noncardiovascular noncancer death in men, women
Monogenic forms of diabetes can occur in preterm infants

Monogenic Forms of Diabetes Can Occur in Preterm Infants

Sixty-six percent of preterm infants diagnosed with diabetes before age 6 months had genetic etiology
For patients newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes

Early Intensification of Tx Speeds Attainment of A1C Goals

Findings in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes who have failure of metformin monotherapy
Residents frequently order perceived unnecessary inpatient laboratory tests

Residents Often Order Perceived Unnecessary Lab Tests

Behaviors attributed to health system culture, lack of transparency about health care service costs
Female doctors in the United States make much less than their male colleagues

U.S. Female Doctors Reimbursed Significantly Less Than Males

Medicare reimbursement review finds male specialists earning more
For liver transplant recipients

Liver Steatosis Ups New-Onset Diabetes After Transplantation

Donor liver steatosis is independent risk factor for NODAT among liver transplant recipients