
Diabetes and Endocrinology

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For antipsychotic-treated obese patients with schizophrenia

Exenatide Does Not Promote Weight Loss in Schizophrenia

No significant difference in weight loss for obese patients treated with exenatide, placebo
Weekly doses of vitamin D do not improve oral glucose tolerance or markers of glycemic status among those at risk for diabetes

Vitamin D Doesn’t Improve Glucose Measures

However, significant improvement in LDL cholesterol seen in those with diabetes risk
Older adults have high incidence of cardiovascular risk factors

High Incidence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Older Adults

Blacks have increased incidence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, but not a-fib
For patients with type 2 diabetes

Absent Pulses Up Risk of Major Vascular Outcomes in T2DM

Every additional absent dorsalis pedis or posterior tibial pulse linked to increased risk of all outcomes
Summer levels of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D are associated with bone mineral density of the total hip

Summer Concentrations of 25OHD Predict Bone Mineral Density

Low serum 25OHD concentrations during summer linked to increased relative risk of osteoporosis
Doctors are spending more than $32

Doctors Spending in Excess of $32,000 on Health IT

Costs increased by 40 percent between 2009 and 2015 and are expected to continue increasing
Sodium intake has a direct relationship with total mortality

More Evidence for Benefit of Reduced Salt Intake on Mortality

Findings support modest reductions in sodium intake among persons consuming high-sodium diets
Young adults with long-standing

Increased Total, CVD Mortality in Young Adults With T1DM

Incident rate ratio for hospitalized CVD about 8; revascularization accounts for much of increased risk
For patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and underlying metabolic disorders

Physical Activity Reduces Intrahepatic Lipid Content

Reductions also seen in alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase in NAFLD
A new resource has been developed to help physicians identify distressed colleagues and help them to access care

New AMA Module Helps Identify Physician Distress

Module includes steps to ID doctors at risk, such as talking about risk factors, warning signs for suicide