
Diabetes and Endocrinology

Home Diabetes and Endocrinology
For patients with type 2 diabetes

Postprandial Hyperglycemia Linked to CVD Incidence in T2DM

Association with cardiovascular disease and mortality is independent of mean HbA1c level
Whites with type 2 diabetes have more life years lost than South Asians or blacks

More Years Lost for Whites Versus South Asians, Blacks With T2DM

Older South Asians with diabetes have longer life expectancy than South Asians without diabetes
From 1996 to 2013 there were considerable increases in personal health care spending in the United States

Personal Health Care Spending Continues to Soar in the U.S.

Highest spending on diabetes, ischemic heart disease, and low back and neck pain in 2013
Patients with type 2 diabetes have higher prevalence of chronic hepatitis B virus infection

Chronic Hepatitis B Prevalence Higher in Those With T2DM

Findings based on comparison to adult-onset autoimmune diabetes, controls
Oxidized low-density lipoprotein as a proxy for oxidative stress is associated with metabolic syndrome and its components

Higher Oxidative Stress Linked to Metabolic Syndrome

Increasing odds ratios for metabolic syndrome with increasing quartiles of oxidized LDL after adjustment
The growth differentiation factor 15 is a novel biomarker for the use and dosing of metformin

Serum Biomarker That Reflects Use, Dose of Metformin Identified

Finding may provide clues about metformin's mechanism of action and effect
Vitreous levels of alphaB-crystallin are significantly higher in eyes of patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy compared to the eyes of controls without diabetes

Higher AlphaB-Crystallin Levels Linked to Diabetic Retinopathy

Findings imply that alphaB-crystallin may be involved in diabetic retinopathy angiogenesis
For patients with head and neck cancer receiving radiotherapy

Radiation Dose to Head & Neck Tied to Thyroid Dysfunction Risk

Findings in patients with head and neck cancer receiving RT; female sex, concurrent chemo up risk
Guidelines on dietary sugar intake are of poor quality

Guidance on Dietary Sugar Intake Based on Low-Quality Evidence

Poor scoring on AGREE II criteria across guidelines; evidence supporting recommendations low, very low
Health care provider burnout is negatively associated with quality and safety of health care

Health Care Provider Burnout Negatively Affects Quality, Safety

Health care provider burnout negatively linked to quality and safety of health care