
Diabetes and Endocrinology

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For low-income Hispanic patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes

Text Messaging Intervention Can Up Glycemic Control in T2DM

Greater reduction in HbA1c over time with text messaging intervention for low-income Hispanics
Replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats can reduce cardiovascular disease risk as much as statins

Replacing Saturated Fats With Healthy Fats Lowers CVD Risk

Healthy fats can help reduce risk of cardiovascular disease as effectively as statins, researchers say
Health insurers are recruiting former pharmaceutical company representatives to educate doctors and help save money on prescription medications

Health Insurers Recruiting Former Pharma Reps to Cut Costs

Former pharma reps are educating doctors about costs of meds, encouraging use of generics
A zone model predictive control-based artificial pancreas system improves glycemic control in a home-use environment

Good Results for Zone MPC-Based Artificial Pancreas

Improved glycemic control for AP system versus sensor-augmented pump therapy
A simple-to-use nomogram can predict five-

Nomogram Predicts Survival for Adults Undergoing CAC Scoring

Nomogram predicts five-, 10-, 15-year survival for adults undergoing coronary artery calcium scoring

Concentrated Broccoli Sprout Extract May Help Fight T2DM

But supplement only seems to help a certain group of patients with the disease
The American Medical Association is calling for more transparency in drug pricing amid rising costs that are putting some lifesaving medications out of reach for patients and communities.

AMA Endeavors to Increase Transparency of Rx Pricing

At annual meeting, the physicians' group adopted new policies on drug pricing to protect patients
Both biological and socioeconomic factors appear to play a role in higher hemoglobin A1C readings seen in black patients with diabetes

Glycation of Hemoglobin Differs by Race

Researchers suggest difference stems from both biological and care issues

American Diabetes Association, June 9-13

The American Diabetes Association's 77th Scientific Sessions The annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association was held from June 9 to 13 in...
For patients with type 2 diabetes

Sleep Apnea Linked to Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes

OSA independently linked to sight-threatening DR and progression to pre-/proliferative DR