
Diabetes and Endocrinology

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Fear of complications and frustration at the amount of time required to manage type 1 diabetes impact the quality of life of young adults with the disease

Fear Impacts Quality of Life for Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes

Young adults cite fear of complications, burden of disease management, impact on family and job
Nearly two-thirds of insured adults with a previous health care visit did not use an online patient portal in 2017

Most Insured Patients Not Using Online Portals

Socioeconomic disparities exist in use of patient portals; privacy concerns cited for nonuse
A lack of preventive care in infants and children is associated with an increased rate of unplanned hospital admissions

Lack of Peds Preventive Care Ups Unplanned Hospital Admissions

Infants and children lacking vaccinations, development checks more likely to be admitted
Skin autofluorescence predicts incident type 2 diabetes

Skin Autofluorescence Predicts T2DM, Heart Disease, Mortality

Prediction independent of traditional risk factors such as MetS, glucose, HbA1c in general population
Only 15.4 percent of physicians work in practices that use telemedicine for a wide spectrum of patient interactions

Few Physicians Work in Practices That Use Telemedicine

Specialty and larger practice size are correlates of telemedicine use
Type 2 diabetes is associated with an increased risk for colorectal cancer

Type 2 Diabetes Linked to Colorectal Cancer Risk in Men

Significant association for men, with positive but not statistically significant link seen for women
Many patients intentionally withhold information from clinicians

Many Patients Withhold Information From Clinicians

Reasons for nondisclosure include not wanting to be judged or lectured, being embarrassed
Exposure to certain endocrine-disrupting chemicals may impact the timing of puberty in children

Exposure to Phthalates May Impact Timing of Puberty in Girls

Earlier breast development, pubic hair development, menarche with methyl paraben exposure

Radiological Society of North America, Nov. 25-30

The 104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America The annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North...
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has developed a draft strategy to reduce the health information technology burden

HHS Issues Draft Strategy for Reducing Health IT Burden

Strategy is open for public comment through Jan. 28, 2019