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Melanoma incidence seems to be decreasing in adolescents and young adults

Invasive Melanoma Incidence Decreasing in Teens, Young Adults

From 2006 to 2015, melanoma rates increased among adults ≥40 years, decreased in younger populations
Medical students in personal distress may be more likely to have suboptimal attitudes about self-prescribing and personal responsibility for reporting impaired colleagues

Suboptimal Prescribing Attitudes Could Signal Personal Distress

Med students experiencing depression, alcohol abuse less likely to report impaired colleagues

Presymptomatic Transmission Seen With Monkeypox

Transmission detected up to a maximum of four days before onset of symptoms

Rural Medicare beneficiaries with complex chronic conditions have higher preventable hospitalization and mortality rates than their urban peers

Outcomes Worse for Rural Residents With Chronic Conditions

Higher preventable hospitalization and mortality rates partly due to reduced access to specialists
Co-occurring psoriasis is common among patients with palmoplantar pustulosis

Palmoplantar Pustulosis Confirmed as Orphan Disease

However, psoriasis frequently co-occurs in patients with palmoplantar pustulosis
Group of doctor with tablet and graphic network

Use of Extrapolation Common in FDA New Drug Approvals

Extrapolation of the findings from pivotal clinical trials to the approved indication most common for disease severity

The American College of Physicians says the U.S. health care system "is ill and needs a bold new prescription" that includes coverage for all Americans and lower costs.

ACP: Medicare for All Needed to Fix ‘Ill’ U.S. Health Care System

American College of Physicians has endorsed two proposals being discussed by Democratic presidential candidates
A rare case of secondary syphilis which primarily presented with multiple nodules on the scalp has been detailed in a case report published online July 17 in the Journal of Dermatology.

Rare Skin Manifestations Can Indicate Secondary Syphilis

Case report describes 51-year-old man who primarily presented with multiple nodules on his scalp
National hospital rating systems are rarely in agreement

National Hospital Rating Systems Rarely in Agreement

None of the hospitals rated as high performer on all four national rating systems

More Than Half of U.S. Adults Use Internet to Look for Health, Medical Information

Adults aged 30 to 44 years have highest use of internet for communicating with doctor, doctor's office