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Dermatologists receive considerable payments

Dermatologists Receive Considerable Industry Payments

Variation in nature and amount of payments, with top 1 percent of doctors receiving at least $93,622
Radiotherapy is effective in regional control of node-positive malignant melanoma

Radiotherapy Aids Regional Control of Node+ Melanoma

However, risk of early distant relapse is close to 50 percent
Doctors are spending more than $32

Doctors Spending in Excess of $32,000 on Health IT

Costs increased by 40 percent between 2009 and 2015 and are expected to continue increasing
Adhering to medication regimens for the treatment of psoriasis can be an additional source of considerable emotional distress for patients

Medication Adherence Stressful for Psoriasis Patients

When clinicians do not address patients' difficulties, it can increase their emotional distress
Dupilumab is effective for patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis that is inadequately controlled by topical treatment

Dupilumab Effective in Atopic Dermatitis

Primary outcome occurred significantly more often for patients receiving dupilumab in SOLO 1, SOLO 2
A new resource has been developed to help physicians identify distressed colleagues and help them to access care

New AMA Module Helps Identify Physician Distress

Module includes steps to ID doctors at risk, such as talking about risk factors, warning signs for suicide
For patients undergoing sclerotherapy

Long-Term Pigmentation With Minocycline in Sclerotherapy

44-year-old male with systemic sclerosis showed symptoms after minocycline treatment of rosacea
Meditation can allow attending physicians to be "in attendance" in order to heal and maintain personal well-being

Meditation Recommended for Helping Attendings ‘Attend’

Expert says meditation should be practiced every day and can help address burnout
AbobotulinumtoxinA is efficacious for face-lifting

AbobotulinumtoxinA Effective for Face-Lifting

Split-face comparison study shows face-lifting effect of ABO versus normal saline solution
Roughly one in every five American health care workers do not receive the annual influenza vaccination

CDC: Too Many Health Care Workers Not Getting Flu Vaccine

Vaccination protects both workers and patients