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Most patients want greater connectivity

Patients Want Physicians to Have Greater Connectivity

Most patients want greater connectivity, online tools, convenience via SMS, and more time with doctors

Omalizumab Effective for Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria

In small study, 85 percent of refractory CSU patients had complete response; rest had well-controlled dx
The Braden QD Scale reliably predicts both immobility-related and device-related pressure injuries in hospitalized pediatric patients

Risk Tool Predicts Pressure Injuries in Hospitalized Children

Braden QD Scale reliably predicts pressure injuries related to immobility, medical devices
Four best practices outlined that can help prevent health care cyberattacks

Four Best Practices Outlined to Prevent Health Care Cyberattacks

Health care execs should ID potential inefficiencies in cybersecurity, ensure systems backed up
Opioid prescribing among dermatologists is limited

Limited Opioid Prescribing Among Dermatologists

Overall, 93.9 percent of the top 1 percent of opioid prescribers worked in a surgical practice
Electronic health records are not sufficient to ensure success in value-based care

EHRs Not Sufficient to Ensure Success in Value-Based Care

EHRs do not necessarily capture information needed; interoperability is poor, analytics are incomplete
Acne is associated with increased probability of developing major depressive disorder

Acne Linked to Increased Risk of Major Depressive Disorder

Significantly increased risk of developing MDD in first five years after diagnosis; highest risk in first year
Health care consumers have four major concerns regarding their physicians

Top Consumer Concerns Reported About Physicians

Concerns relate to time with physicians; technology detracting from patient care; rising costs
Most people do not believe that professionals including health care providers should be allowed to refuse to provide services based on their conscience or beliefs

Poll: Personal Beliefs Shouldn’t Allow Doctors to Refuse to Treat

Majority surveyed don't believe health care workers should be able to refuse services based on beliefs
Stem cell transplant may be an effective treatment for systemic sclerosis

Stem Cell Transplant May Be Effective for Systemic Sclerosis

Small study shows improvements in management of cutaneous, organ manifestations