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Health care communication technology is a determinant of patient satisfaction in younger patients

Health Care Technology Impacts Younger Patient Satisfaction

Younger health care consumers are dissatisfied with technology capability of health care organizations
Greater reproducibility and higher concordance are seen for melanoma staging with the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) classification of cancer staging

New Guidelines Increase Melanoma Staging Reproducibility

Greater reproducibility and higher concordance for melanoma staging with implementation of AJCC 8
Flight attendants have higher rates of specific cancers compared with the general population

Higher Rates of Cancers Observed Among Flight Attendants

Especially breast cancer, melanoma, and non-melanoma skin cancer among female flight attendants
The American Medical Association recently adopted new ethical guidelines on medical tourism to help physicians understand their responsibilities when interacting with patients who seek or have received medical care outside the United States.

AMA Adopts Ethical Guidance on Medical Tourism

Guidelines include helping patients understand risks and benefits, responding compassionately
At the annual meeting of the American Medical Association

AMA: Docs Declare Drug Shortages Public Health Emergency

AMA calls for greater manufacturer transparency in order to prepare for disasters, mitigate shortages
More patients are paying for health care services with cash

More Cash-Pay Patients Means Docs Need Billing Strategies

Trend is requiring providers to proactively develop comprehensive policies
Switching electronic health record systems can result in increased efficiency and productivity gains

Considerable Costs Associated With Switching EHR

Costs include time needed for research and testing, maintenance and other fees, hardware updates
The American Medical Association recently adopted a policy aimed at improving physician access to mental health care in response to physician depression

AMA Vows to Improve Access for Docs Seeking Mental Health Care

New policy recommends state licensing boards to only inquire about current conditions
For organ transplant recipients

Sun Defenses Up in Transplant Patients After Skin Cancer Study

Increased odds of using multiple sun protection measures among organ transplant recipients
Data breaches affecting health care systems or their partners need to be addressed quickly

How Do Business Partner Data Breaches Affect Your Practice?

Business associate agreements should be prioritized; collaborative policies can help patch attacks