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Allowing front desk staff adequate time and an uninterrupted environment to focus on billing can prevent problems later on

Front Desk Staff Can Set Up a Practice for Successful Billing

Front desk staff should be trained, and should not be assigned to billing at same time as answering calls
There are very few published descriptions of programs that address the mistreatment of medical trainees

Few Published Programs Address Medical Trainee Mistreatment

Most common format of program is combination of lectures, workshops, and seminars
Although physicians typically struggle with change

Learning to Change Important for Improving Practice

Physicians need to accept that the health care industry is changing and that change is difficult
In an article published in Physicians Practice

Four Strategies Help Doctors Make Personal, Professional Gains

Strategies include taking time for reflection, breaking away from pack, focusing on something specific
Existing policy has been amended to encourage licensing boards to require disclosure of physical or mental health conditions only when these would negatively impact a physicians' ability to practice medicine

Medical Boards May Contribute to Mental Health Stigma for Doctors

Existing policy amended to encourage only current mental health disclosures
Insurance companies sometimes underpay doctors the contracted amount for a service or procedure

Insurers May Be Underpaying Doctors

Practices need to incorporate efforts to double check reimbursement against contracts
Assessing and improving patient satisfaction can help physicians avoid being sued for malpractice

Assessing, Improving Patient Satisfaction Cuts Malpractice Risk

Patient satisfaction can be improved by reducing long wait times, improving communication
Use of appropriate statistical methodology can allow for the synthesis of data collected as part of traditional clinical trials with real-world data

Tools, Methods of RCTs Can Be Adapted to Real-World Settings

3 options described for applying approaches used in randomized controlled trials to real-world data
The Veterans Affairs Maintaining Internal Systems and Strengthening Integrated Outside Networks Act may increase costs and reduce quality of health care for veterans

VA MISSION Act May Up Costs, Lower Vet Health Care Quality

VA will have greater reliance on private sector care, which may not improve health status of veterans
The 9-valent human papillomavirus vaccine could be a therapeutic option for patients with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma when surgical management is not an option

HPV Vaccine Eliminates Advanced Skin Cancer in 97-Year-Old

Less than a year following the initial direct-to-tumor vaccine injection, all treated tumors disappeared