
Critical Care

Home Critical Care
For patients in intensive care units who need a catheter

Subclavian Vein Catheterization Beats Jugular, Femoral Placement

Reduces risk of blood infection, deep-vein thrombosis among critically ill
A new report commissioned by the U.S. government contends that most Americans will encounter at least one diagnostic error in their lifetime

IOM: Most U.S. Patients Will Experience Diagnostic Error

Panel urges changes to an increasingly complex health care system
Admitting older

ICU for Pneumonia in Elderly Ups Survival, Not Costs

More liberal admission policies could benefit these patients, researchers say
Health insurance deductibles have risen more than six times faster than American workers' average wages since 2010

Health Insurance Deductibles Rising Faster Than Wages

One in five workers now have a deductible of $2,000 or more
Use of antibiotics in patients with heart failure exacerbation in the absence of compelling evidence of infection is unnecessary and potentially harmful

Harms From Unnecessary Abx Extend Beyond Resistance

Case highlights importance of carefully monitoring patients with prolonged QT interval
Patients treated with low-dose beta-blockers after myocardial infarction may fare better than those given the standard dose

Lower Beta-Blocker Dose May Boost Survival After MI

Dosage should be tailored to the needs of individual patients, researchers say
Many medical schools are integrating discussions of cost

Medical Schools Teaching Students About Costs of Care

Importance of understanding costs due to ACA, prevalence of high-deductible plans
For patients who receive successful resuscitation from in-hospital cardiac arrest

DNR Orders After In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Tied to Survival

DNR orders generally associated with the likelihood of favorable neurological survival
Prolonged hospital length of stay is more likely among patients who are Medicaid enrollees with complex hospital stays who were not discharged home

Medicaid, Non-Home Discharge Tied to Longer Hospital Stays

Prolonged length of stay also more likely with MRSA, ICU stay, surgery

Docs in Productivity Models Likely to Encounter Compensation Caps

Physicians, especially those working in a productivity model, must understand compensation caps