
Critical Care

Home Critical Care
For patients with acute traumatic cervical spinal cord injury

D-Dimer Levels Predict DVT in Cervical Spinal Cord Injury

Only D-dimer level at two weeks after injury accurately predict deep vein thrombosis formation
A case of accidental overdose of an Atropa belladonna preparation highlights the dangers of the use of herbal remedies

Case Report Highlights Dangers of Natural Remedies

Trained herbalist accidentally ingested very large dose of atropine when ingesting Atropa belladonna
A web-based cognitive behavioral therapy program is effective for preventing suicidal ideation among medical interns

Web-Based CBT Program Cuts Suicidal Ideation in Interns

Web-based cognitive behavioral therapy program reduces likelihood of endorsing suicidal ideation
The correlation between sleep-disordered breathing and glucose metabolism varies for rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM sleep

Sleep-Disordered Breathing in REM Linked to Insulin Resistance

Link between sleep-disordered breathing, glucose metabolism varies for REM, non-REM sleep
The American College of Physicians has joined other organizations in an amicus curiae brief to the Supreme Court

ACP Joins Amicus Curiae Brief to Supreme Court

Brief urges Supreme Court to uphold considerations of race, ethnicity in med school application process
Another research team is reporting progress toward developing a vaccine to prevent respiratory syncytial virus. Their findings were published in the Nov. 4 issue of Science Translational Medicine.

Progress Made in Early Trial of RSV Vaccine

Researcher hopes to see routine respiratory syncytial virus immunization within a decade
The more tests and treatments U.S. doctors order for patients

Doctors Who Order More Tests Have Fewer Malpractice Claims

Study explores link between 'defensive medicine' and malpractice claims
Most Americans now support aggressive regulation to keep health care costs in check -- including price caps on drugs

Poll: Americans Want Health Care Costs Kept in Check

Suggestions include price controls on drugs, hospitals, and doctors
More Americans than ever are taking prescription drugs

Prescription Medication Use on the Rise in the United States

Many adults take five or more medications, often for preventable ills
Endovascular therapy with mechanical thrombectomy in ischemic stroke is superior to standard treatment with tissue plasminogen activator for preserving brain function

Endovascular Tx Beats tPA Alone for Stroke Patients

Patients who had procedure were more likely to have functional independence after 90 days