
Critical Care

Home Critical Care
Aspiration is as effective as the traditional stent retriever approach for clot removal in patients presenting with large-vessel occlusion stroke

Aspiration Noninferior to Stent Retriever for Clot Removal

Direct aspiration is equally effective for large-vessel occlusion stroke, with lower device costs
The 2019 Main Residency Match was the largest in history

2019 Residency Match Day Was Largest in History

Internal medicine programs offered a record 8,116 categorical, 396 primary care positions
Work environments for critical care nurses have improved since 2013

Critical Care Nurses’ Work Environments Improving

But most report lack of appropriate staffing; 33 percent intend to leave job within 12 months

Practices for Reducing COPD Hospital Readmissions Explored

Communication emphasized as well as consideration of readmission as proxy for other health factors

Overall, Physicians Are Happy and Enjoy Their Lives

Relationships found to be key to happiness; having friends at work impacts physician happiness
For patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass grafting

Volatile Anesthetics Do Not Reduce Deaths in Elective CABG

No significant difference seen for patients undergoing CABG with volatile anesthesia, total IV anesthesia
Machine-learning models that use electronic health record data can identify infants with sepsis in the neonatal intensive care unit hours before clinical recognition

Machine-Learning Models Allow Early Detection of Sepsis in NICU

Models using EHR data from infants in NICU can detect sepsis hours before clinical signs are apparent
Oral forms of medications contain an average of 8.8 inactive ingredients

Average of 8.8 Inactive Ingredients Found in Oral Medications

Overall, 92.8 percent of oral solid medications contain at least one potential allergen
From 2014 to 2017

Physician Burnout Rate Increased From 2014 to 2017

Early-career physicians most susceptible to burnout; late-career physicians less vulnerable
The 99th centile of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I concentration is substantially higher in a hospital population than the manufacturer's recommended upper limit of normal

Troponin Assay Confusion May Cause Misdiagnosis of Acute MI

Overall, 5.4 percent of 20,000 patients had high-sensitivity troponin I concentration >40 ng/L