
Cosmetic Surgery

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The U.S. Supreme Court upheld on Thursday the legality of tax subsidies for millions of Americans who signed up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act.

SCOTUS Upholds Subsidies for Affordable Care Act

Ruling preserves tax credits for 6.4 million people in 34 states
In a position paper published online April 17 in the Annals of Internal Medicine

Recommendations Developed on Gender Equity in Medicine

ACP supports equitable physician compensation based on comparable work at each stage of career
Certain steps should be taken when discharging a patient for failure or inability to meet financial obligations

Steps Provided for Discharging Patient From Practice

Letter should be sent informing patient of their discharge, providing at least 30 days' notice
More than half of physicians experience burnout

Physicians Often Don’t Address Their Burnout

Same traits that help doctors excel at their jobs make them more likely to experience burnout
On average

Hospitals Charge 479 Percent of Cost of Drugs on Average

Seventeen percent of hospitals charge 700 percent of cost; 8 percent have markup over 1,000 percent

Breast Cancer Recurrence Rates Low With Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy

Incidence of recurrent disease 3.17 and 3.33 percent per mastectomy and per patient, respectively, during median follow-up of 10 years

The rapidly rising number of bariatric surgeries in the United States may be leading to greater demand for cosmetic surgery

ASPS: Bariatric Surgeries Leading to Rise in Cosmetic Procedures

Procedures associated with major weight loss increased the most in four years
In a position paper published online March 28 in the Annals of Internal Medicine

ACP Issues Challenge to Cut Task Burden and Put Patients First

American College of Physicians details policy recommendations to reduce administrative burden
Low-volume hyaluronic acid filler is effective for correction of age-related midface volume loss

Patient Satisfaction High With Filler for Midface Volumization

Findings for low volumes of hyaluronic acid filler more commonly used in daily clinical practice
Medical financial hardship affects more than half of adults in the United States

More Than Half of U.S. Adults Have Medical Financial Hardship

Hardship in material, psychological, behavioral domains more likely for those age 18 to 64 versus ≥65