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Women are less likely than men to fill a prescription for high-intensity statins after hospitalization for myocardial infarction

Women Less Likely to Fill Post-MI Statin Prescription

56 percent of men, 47 percent of women filled high-intensity statin after myocardial infarction
Transplantation of organs from overdose-death donors is associated with similar five-year patient survival and graft survival as organs from trauma-death donors and medical-death donors

Similar Outcomes for Transplant With Overdose-Death Donors

Outcomes similar for ODD recipients, recipients of organs from trauma-death, medical-death donors
In a position paper published online April 17 in the Annals of Internal Medicine

Recommendations Developed on Gender Equity in Medicine

ACP supports equitable physician compensation based on comparable work at each stage of career
For patients with aortic valve stenosis

Rapid Deployment Valve for Aortic Stenosis Ups Stroke Risk

RDV use linked to increased rates of pacemaker implantation, disabling stroke but not mortality
For current alcohol drinkers

Review: Lowest Mortality Risk Seen With ≤100 g Alcohol/Week

Alcohol consumption roughly linearly linked to higher risk of stroke, coronary disease, heart failure
Negative affect that lingers is associated with worse physical health outcomes almost 10 years later

Negative Affect That Lingers Tied to Health 10 Years Later

Higher levels of lingering negative affect linked to more chronic conditions, worse functional limitations
Heart failure is not associated with an increased risk of cancer

No Higher Cancer Risk Seen for Heart Failure Patients

After a median 20 years of follow-up, heart failure not associated with cancer incidence
An increase in the market prices of cigarettes would provide more health and financial gains to the poorest 20 percent of the population

Cigarette Price Hike Would Provide More Gains for the Poor

More average life years gained from cessation, and more treatment costs averted for poorest 20 percent
Individuals with a later chronotype have increased mortality risk

Higher Mortality Risk Seen for ‘Night Owls’

Higher prevalence of mortality, CV and metabolic dysfunction for definite evening type individuals
From 1990 to 2016 there were decreases in cardiovascular disease disability-adjusted life years in all states across the United States

CVD Burden Decreased From 1990 to 2016 Across U.S.

Wide variation in rate of decline across states; small number of states saw increase in most recent years