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The e-liquids used in electronic cigarettes are a heterogeneous group

Liquids in E-Cigarettes Are Heterogeneous, Frequently Toxic

The more chemicals in e-liquid, the more toxic it is likely to be; vanillin tied to higher toxicity
The most affected health domains after ischemic stroke are physical function

Physical, Executive Function Most Affected After Ischemic Stroke

Worse scores in multiple domains tied to lower income, female sex, disability
Isolation and loneliness may be associated with increased risk of acute myocardial infarction and stroke

Social Isolation, Loneliness May Increase AMI, Stroke Risk

Social isolation linked to increased mortality among individuals with history of AMI or stroke
Electronic health record usability may contribute to possible patient harm events

EHR Usability Contributes to Possible Patient Harm Events

Usability challenges mainly occur during order placement and medication administration
Current publicly reported measures may not be good surrogates for overall hospital quality related to 30-day readmissions

Condition Readmission Measures Don’t Reflect Overall Quality

Differ from non-Medicare patients with same conditions, Medicare patients with unreported ones
The hearts of young adults born prematurely have impaired left ventricular response to physiological stress during exercise compared with the hearts of those born at term

Impaired LV Response During Exercise in Preterm-Born Adults

With greater exercise intensity, ejection fraction lower in preterm-born than term-born young adults
The complete genome sequence of fetuses can be elucidated from amniotic fluid

Complete Genome Sequence Can Be ID’d From Amniotic Fluid

Concordance of variant calls between cellular, cell-free DNA, with parental libraries >96 percent
For overweight or obese adults with type 2 diabetes

Intensive Lifestyle Interventions Cut Long-Term Disability in T2DM

10-year lifestyle, weight loss changes increased disability-free years in women, those without CVD
Only about 50 percent of adults with familial hypercholesterolemia are on statin therapy

Only Half of Adults With Familial Hypercholesterolemia on Statins

And, only 30.3 percent of patients with definite or probable FH on statins take high-intensity statin
Sports sponsorships frequently advertise unhealthy food and nonalcoholic beverages

Sports Sponsorships Often Market Unhealthy Food and Drinks

Overall, 76 percent of foods had unhealthy nutrition scores, 52.4 percent of drinks sugar-sweetened