

Home Allergy
Vitamin D supplementation does not reduce cold severity or frequency among adults with mild-to-moderate asthma

Vitamin D Supplementation Doesn’t Cut Colds in Asthma

Rate of colds did not differ for those receiving vitamin D supplementation, placebo
Physicians should be aware that responding to a negative health care review could potentially expose personal medical information

Doctors Must Be Wary of HIPAA Violations With Online Reviews

Physicians should keep their replies to patient reviews short and simple
Physicians using electronic practice tools report higher rates of burnout and increased frustration with the amount of computerized paperwork

Electronic Record Demands Are Overwhelming Many Physicians

Survey found those who have to use EHRs/CPOEs report more burnout, job dissatisfaction
Nasal irrigation appears beneficial in symptom improvement for patients with chronic sinusitis

Nasal Irrigation Offers Some Relief for Sinusitis Patients

Steam inhalation may ease headaches, but no significant improvement in RSDI scores

Medical Groups Call for Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination for Health Care Workers

Mandatory vaccination is especially crucial to protect vulnerable people, including unvaccinated children and those with weakened immune systems

Child Proton Pump Inhibitor Use May Increase Asthma Risk

Risk increased across all age groups with highest risk for infants and toddlers; risk seen across individual PPIs

Female Doctors Less Likely to Be Promoted to Upper Faculty Ranks

Depression Linked to Suicidal Ideation Among Physicians

After adjustment for depression, no increased odds of suicidal ideation in association with burnout

Biden Plan Will Spend $1.5 Billion to Boost Health Worker Supply

The pandemic has exacerbated health care disparities for minorities and underserved communities

The demise of the National Guideline Clearinghouse in July 2018 is likely to impact evidence-based health care around the world

Experts Address Loss of the National Guideline Clearinghouse

Demise of NGC in July 2018 is likely to impact evidence-based health care around the world
Patients report that doctors are routinely not discussing known risk factors for common causes of death

Doctors Often Not Discussing Risk Factors With Patients

Few survey respondents say physicians speak with them about opioids, road traffic issues