

Home Allergy
Immunotherapy with peptide hydrolysates from Lolium perenne reduces seasonal allergy symptoms and is generally well tolerated

Grass Peptide Immunotherapy Cuts Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

Subcutaneous injections administered over three-week period before grass pollen season
Drug copayments frequently exceed prescription drug costs

Drug Copayments Often Exceed Prescription Drug Costs

Overpayments affect 23 percent of all prescriptions; more common with generic drugs
Spending on health care is much higher in the United States than other high-income countries

U.S. Spends Twice As Much for Similar Health Care Utilization

U.S. has higher administrative and pharmaceutical costs than 10 other high-income countries
One practice's three-pronged approach successfully improved physician engagement

Three-Pronged Approach Can Improve Physician Engagement

Strategy used by one practice improved physician engagement and relieved burnout
Physicians are increasingly being challenged to protect their practice finances while helping patients without insurance

Doctors Facing Challenge to Help Needy While Protecting Practices

Many practices are finding it difficult to maintain their viability while caring for patients who can't pay

American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, March 2-5

The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Annual Meeting/World Allergy Congress The annual meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma...

February 2018 Briefing – Allergy

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Allergy for February 2018. This roundup includes the latest...
Women with current asthma who use intermittent reliever treatment with short-acting beta-agonists have reduced fertility

Female Infertility Tied to Asthma Managed With Rescue Inhalers

No link to infertility for those with former asthma, or for those with asthma preventer medications
Trials to evaluate drugs or devices used to treat chronic medical conditions that are published early in the chain of evidence often show an exaggerated treatment effect compared with subsequent trials

Early Studies Often Show Exaggerated Treatment Effect

Findings based on assessment of trials evaluating drugs, devices to treat chronic medical conditions
In a position paper published online Feb. 27 in the Annals of Internal Medicine

Recommendations for Optimizing Hidden Curriculum in Medicine

Clinical learning environment should be optimized by ensuring what is taught in classroom is modeled